Another thing I've noticed while shopping is this....why are you never able to find plus sized workout wear in regular stores? Since the "acceptable" woman is the smaller one, wouldn't it make sense to have a large section of plus sized workout wear for those of us making an effort to lose weight? I guess the assumption is that if you are obese, you are automatically choosing to stay that way, and too lazy to workout so there is no comfortable, moisture-wicking, physically supportive workout wear designed for you. Interesting, I tell you. Interesting.
I generally hate shopping for clothes because it is so difficult to find things to fit me. I'm only 5' 2" and with my "curves", it's particularly difficult to find pants that fit. I usually buy cheap clothes from Wal-Mart or clearance sale items from Avenue and wear them until they either have holes or permanent stains in them. I replace my wardrobe only as necessary and it's a beautiful thing that I get to wear scrubs at work! I come from a family of well-dressed women and my mother is always trying to help me to build my wardrobe so that I can stop looking homeless. I'm currently at one of those homeless looking stages and in dire need of some newer items but as I breezed through the store yesterday, I felt the freedom of knowing that it wasn't worth buying anything new right now because within a few short weeks, it will no longer fit!
I look forward to scouring the racks of the local Goodwill or Salvation Army store for those gently used items in smaller sizes than I wear now. I don't know that I will ever truly enjoy shopping, but I do look forward to having more options. I have one sister that is the only one in the family blessed with the mutant skinny gene. I'm excited to someday shop in her closet when I hit my goal weight because she always dresses with style. She is three years older and I surpassed her in growth when I hit puberty so we were never able to share clothes. Somehow I know that my favorite place of all to shop, will be in her closet.
I am incredibly grateful to my sister. We've never been extremely close but as I've shared with her my preop journey so far, she's been very receptive to learning about weight issues and how the surgery will change my life. I realized that she doesn't know what it's like to be overweight because she never has been, so she has been a wonderful resource for me for learning how to think like a thin person. I asked her if she would be willing to fly in and be there for me for my surgery and without a second thought she said yes. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I'm so excited and I can't wait to give her a huge hug. It's quite possible that this dreaded issue of weight may be the key issue that helps us to learn about and understand each other in a way that we never have before. I've designated her as my diet coach just to help me to stay on track and to help me continually think like a thin person. Along with ongoing therapy, she may be able to help me conquer some of the mental challenges that the surgery brings.
In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy NOT having to shop for any clothes. Heck, when I'm able to transition down to smaller underwear, maybe I'll give my dog my old ones for her to run around the house with like she usually does. I will enjoy the sight and sound of her ripping those granny panties to shreds!!
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